1. Visit The Farmer's Market.
Not only is visiting your local farmer's market a great summertime pastime - it offers numerous advantages as well. One, it allows you to get a little bit of mild exercise as you stroll past the various vendors. Two, it gives you access to fresh, healthy produce you can use to prepare your meals. Three, the produce available at farmer's markets is often priced much lower than comparable produce would be at the local grocery store.
2. Hydrate Before You Eat.
In our country, we commonly mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. As a result, it is not unusual for us to eat more food than we really need. Before reaching for snacks this summer, drink a glass of water to hydrate yourself. After that, you can evaluate whether or not you are actually hungry.
3. Walk Or Bike Instead Of Drive.
If you're only traveling a short distance, why not take the opportunity to walk or ride a bike to your destination instead of driving your car? Walking and biking are excellent forms of cardio exercise. You can also park farther back in parking lots to give yourself an excuse to walk a greater distance. As an added bonus, you'll save money on gas!
4. Go For A Hike.

5. Snack On Watermelon.
There's a reason watermelon is a summertime favorite! This juicy fruit is 92% water, which means that consuming watermelon is a great way to stay hydrated (as well as curb hunger by quickly filling your stomach). It's also extremely low in calories - there are only 46 calories in a cup (152 grams)!
6. Avoid Overheating.
One of the only downsides to summer is the potential of overheating. Heat stroke can hit anyone, although young children and elderly individuals are often particularly susceptible. Stay in the shade as much as possible when you are outdoors, and be sure to drink plenty of water and electrolyte drinks when you are outside.
7. Limit Alcohol.
Iced or frozen cocktails, cold beer, and/or chilled wine are summertime staples for many people, but the unfortunate truth is that alcoholic beverages contain lots of calories. Not only that, but alcohol is inherently dehydrating. While you may understandably want to enjoy an occasional beer, glass of wine, or cocktail throughout the summer, limiting your alcohol whenever possible is a great way to stay in better shape.
Happy Summer!
On behalf of all of us at Central Ozarks Medical Center, we hope you have a truly spectacular summer! By adopting these strategies into your summertime routines, you should find it much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle this season.
If you should find yourself in need of specific medical attention or would simply like to schedule a routine wellness check for you or someone in your family, don't hesitate to reach out to one of the staff at our health clinics in central Missouri. We look forward to serving you however we can.
Central Ozarks Medical Center
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